4. Cluster servant training
Cluster Servant Training
2. Prospective TIST Farmers
1. Intro to TIST Series: The Core TIST Values (201)
Course rating is 3.642857142857143 stars -
1. How to use the learning centre
1. Start Here: How to use the TIST Learning Centre (100)
Course rating is 4.333333333333333 stars -
2. Prospective TIST Farmers
2. Intro to TIST Series: Tree Planting and TIST (202)
Course rating is 5 stars -
2. Prospective TIST Farmers
3. Intro to TIST Series: Tree Planting and Carbon Credits (203)
Course rating is 3.3333333333333335 stars -
2. Prospective TIST Farmers
4. Intro to TIST Series: Small Group Structure (204)
Course rating is 3 stars -
2. Prospective TIST Farmers
5. Intro to TIST Series: How to Become a TIST Small Group (205)
Course rating is 3 stars -
2. Prospective TIST Farmers
6. Intro to TIST Series: Payment and the GHG Contract (206)
Course rating is 5 stars -
4. Cluster servant training
Cluster Servant Series: How to Become a TIST Small Group (404)
Course rating is 4.2 stars -
4. Cluster servant training
Cluster Servant Series: Payment and the GHG Contract (405)
Course rating is 4.9 stars -
4. Cluster servant training
Cluster Servant Series: Small Group Structure (403)
Course rating is 3.7857142857142856 stars -
4. Cluster servant training
Cluster Servant Series: The Core TIST Values (400)
Course rating is 4.382352941176471 stars -
4. Cluster servant training
Cluster Servant Series: Tree Planting and Carbon Credits (402)
Course rating is 3.9375 stars -
4. Cluster servant training
Cluster Servant Series: Tree Planting and TIST (401)
Course rating is 3.8636363636363638 stars -
2. Prospective TIST Farmers
Core TIST Trainings Assessment (208)
Course rating is 3.9130434782608696 stars -
3. Agricultural trainings
Seed Collection, Storage, and Pre-Treatment (302)
Course rating is 4.75 stars -